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Product Overview
A properly functioning drainage
system is the prerequisite for a
masonry design to achieve maximum
thermal efficiencies and reduced
maintenance and repair costs.
Mortar obstructions and droppings
which impede drainage are
completely prevented by installing fullheight
protection using CavClear®
Masonry Mat.
CavClear Masonry Mat is a nonwoven
plastic mesh made from postconsumer
recycled material. It is
installed full-height behind brick and
stone to provide a continuous
drainage area.

Typical Drainage Wall Using CavClear® Masonry Mat

Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Please refer to the Bundle QTY & Sizing Desired for the  Pricing of each offered in this product.

  • 1 Bundle = Price /bundle

    Additional Bundles (2-6)(7-39)(40-149)(150-170) qty's - CALL

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